Friday, October 9, 2009

At the End of Slavery-IJM film at MIPC

I am very excited to share the great news that Int'l Justice Mission has released a documentary narrated by Danny Glover called "At the End of Slavery: The Battle for Justice in our Time." MIPC is screening the film on Oct. 20th at 7 p.m.--free admission--so that anyone interested in human rights can see first-hand what is happening right now in the brothels and brick kilns across the globe. Children and adults are literally for sale - being bought and sold. But what is most encouraging is to hear from the former slaves themselves and to know that we can be a part of the solution, from rescue and aftercare, to bringing perpetrators to justice. I myself have had the privilege to meet several young women who survived their ordeals. One girl was 13, and her mother had sold her at the age of 7. For the first time in her life, she was in a place where she felt hope and love. Wouldn't it be awesome if we all invited our friends and neighbors to come see this excellent film and decide for themselves where they stand on this issue that affects 27 million people?

Susan Stanley

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