Monday, October 22, 2012

Just Make More

"Just Make More" has become a new slogan for some of MIPC's ministry to Feed the Hungry.

The LOGOS kitchen crew makes extra meals for the children at Friends of the Children, a mentoring program for at-risk students in King Country.  In addition, during worship skills at LOGOS, children bring extra snacks for the children at Friends.

The Super Sixties group is also "making more" by paying an extra dollar for their monthly lunches so that the kitchen crew can make meals for the Catalyst House, one of Youthcare's emergency teen shelters. 

The pantry is full for Friends of the Children.

4th & 5th graders graciously shared snacks with Friends of the Children.

 A special thanks to Julie Stillman for coining the phrase, "just make more."

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

TEAM MIPC and Seattle AIDS Walk

Thanks to all MIPC members and friends who participated on TEAM MIPC at the Seattle AIDS Walk on September 22. TEAM MIPC had 30 walkers/runners participating in the 5K event, raising $4,480. If you would like to donate, go to and choose: TEAM MIPC. 

This year the Seattle AIDS Walk has raised $320,000 plus dollars.