Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Sign Up for TEAM MIPC-Seattle AIDS Walk

Join us in our 6th year of participating and supporting the Seattle AIDS Walk.

Team captains: Benji & Marnie Holen  206-236-8135 
Event: September 22, 9 AM at Volunteer Park in Seattle

TEAM GOAL: 200 WAlKERS + RAISE $10,000
Register at www.seattleaidswalk.org | Join: TeamMIPC

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Abundance Sunday Helps Refugees from World Relief

MIPC's Abundance Sunday clothing donations in 2011 have resulted in $3,370 of Goodwill vouchers for World Relief clients to use to purchase clothing and other basic needs at Goodwill. Thanks to all who have brought clothing on the first day of each month.

And prayers, too for Cal Uomoto, Executive Director of World Relief, and his family as Cal enters hospice care as no further medical treatment is available to reverse the course of his illness.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Helping Teens Living on the Streets

Today MIPC Missions sent a check for $1,000 to Youthcare to help buy school supplies for teens living on the street. Thank you MIPC for supporting mission so that we can help those who are in need.