Monday, December 6, 2010

SE Asia Trip

Jean Carter practices English with bright and joyful students in Hanoi.

SE Asia Trip

Rev. Rita Lou Clarke has a great time practicing English with students at the Temple of Literature.

SE Asia Trip

At the Temple of Literature in Hanoi, our group sees the President of India, Pratibha Devisingh Patil, walking through the gardens. She is in Hanoi for the ASEAN Conference.

SE Asia Trip Continued

Jean Carter, MIPC Missions Elder, in the lobby of our hotel in Hano.

Some Photos from MIPC's Mission Trip to SE Asia/Nov.

Vietnames art in our hotel, our first night in Hanoi.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Team MIPC at Seattle AIDS Walk

Thanks to Marnie and Perry Holen for leading us in this year's AIDS Walk and thanks to all who helped fund the important work for brothers and sisters affected by HIV/AIDS.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Anti Poverty Saves Lives

According to Nicholas Kristof's article in the NY Times, 9/22/10, antipoverty work saves around 32,000 lives each day...based on the calculation of how many children died in 1960 (20 million) and the number dying now (about 8 million a year).

Twelve million lives are saved annually...roughly one every three seconds gives us some hope regarding the effectiveness of anti-poverty programs.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Affirming Human Dignity WorldWide

This information was sent to us by Dr. Nancy Murphy,Executive Director, Northwest Family Life. The information comes from Justice: A Global Adventure by Walter Burghardt.

Among industrialized countries the United States ranks number one in military technology, military exports, Gross Domestic Product, the number of millionaires and billionaires, health technology and defense expenditures; ranks sixteenth in efforts to lift children out of poverty; eighteenth in the gap between rich and poor children; twenty-second in infant mortality; and ranks last in protecting our children against gun violence.

Globally the statistics are staggering for children.

Over half a billion children are struggling to survive on under $1 per day

250,000 children and young people are infected with HIV/AIDS every month

130 million children lack access to education and 246 million children are child laborers

8.4 million children are trapped in slavery, trafficking, debt bondage, prostitution, pornography and other illicit activities

500,000 young people under 18 are exploited as child soldiers and 30,000 children die each day from preventable diseases

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Importance of a School Uniform

"A South African study found that giving girls a $6 uniform every eighteen months increased the chance that they would stay in school and consequently reduced the number of pregnancies they experienced."

From Half the Sky
Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn

Monday, August 23, 2010

From Half the Sky...Some Lessons Learned

Three lessons learned from a story of a rescued girl from a brothel in Cambodia

First, rescuing girls is complicated and uncertain. It is most productive to focus on prevention and putting brothels out of business.

Second, never give up. Helping people is difficult and unpredictable, and interventions don’t always work out. But successes are possible and incredibly important.

Thirdly, even when a social issue is insoluble in its entirety, do what you can. It is important to the ones you are able to help, even if you can’t help them all.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Third Family Mission Trip to Peshastin

Both churches, MIPC and Peshastin UCC had a wonderful time doing VBS together from July 28-August 1. The picture of the lake and lovely beach is Lake Wenatchee State Park, where we spent Friday afternoon after VBS ended.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Summer Camp is Over... Muchas Gracias!

“Rosa, Maru, Elvia, Vicki, Paola, Kimberly and Zoraida ... girls who were every day with the kids and that made it possible for every child have fun and learn at this camp ... hopefully next summer and we're all volunteers to receive and learn with children ... much cooler from the city of Tijuana mexico all we thank each of you who made it possible for this small but great effort to ensure that children have a different summer ... as some of the children a camp that I may not forget ... Gracias

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Visit to the Museum With Summer Camp in Tijuana

Two New Plymouth Houses Ready to Open

Combined, these buildings will provide 122 new homes for chronically-homeless people
in our community.

We had an overwhelming response from local organizations and people in the community who donated household items to build Welcome Baskets for our new residents, many who will have no belongings when they move into Plymouth.

Thank you to the following groups for their generous support in furnishing our new apartments: Assumption Greek Orthodox Church, Emily Fries & Sarah Hartman, Fauntleroy Church, Fortune Bank, Kira & Andy Turner, Marc Stiles, Matthew G. Norton Company, The McHale Family, Microsoft, Mercer Island Presbyterian Church, Pacific Coast Feather, Puget Sound Labor Agency, Seattle Works Volunteers and Sunnycrest Elementary School.

Street parking is available on Cedar Street, 1st Avenue and near Blanchard Street. Pay parking lots are also available along 1st Avenue between Lenora and Cedar Streets.
King County Metro Bus Routes 15 and 18 stop along 1st Avenue between Cedar Street and Blanchard Street.

For more information, please contact Mary Ann Lambert at or call 206-374-9409, ext. 144.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

More on Social Justice News from General Assembly

The PCUSA is to become "an HIV and AIDS competent church," including encouraging all Presbyterians, especially ministers, to be tested to help eliminate the stigma associated with HIV/AIDS testing.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Girl Pictured in Bulletin Has a New Sponsor!

A family of lawyers from MIPC sponsored Pin to go to school...all the way through law school if she desires. Pin lives in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Name: Kong Srey Pin
Age: 17
Date of birth: 10/10/92
Place of birth: Prek Tapouv Village, Prek Pra Commune
Home: Prek Tapouv village
School : Chbar Ampouv II, grade 11
Family Detail: Father died ten years ago. She lives with her mother, grandfather and one sister.
Caregiver: Mother
Future Dream: Lawyer
School favorite subject: Mathematics.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Social Justice Updates from General Assembly

PCUSA's General Assembly voted to pay increased attention to human rights, particularly in the areas of human trafficking, detention of immigrants and the continuing problem of torture.

MIPC's partnership with International Justice Mission directly works on rescuing trafficked persons and our International Student Scholarship Fund indirectly is a preventative to the threat of young girls being trafficked because of a lack of educational opportunities.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Update on Thai Scholarship Students

In a recent update from Mekong Minority Foundation in Chiang Rai, Thailand, we learned that four of our scholarship students recently graduated from universities. One of the students earned the Prince Royal Scholarship to continue her studies in nursing.

We continue to pray for the lives of all of these girls, that God will be with them as they use their education to better their lives and the lives of their families and their community.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

2010 Peshastin Trip
July 28-Aug. 1

Contact Jennifer Reeve-Parker or Glo Ceteznik to find out more or reserve your spot. Cost is $125 for breakfasts, lunches, pool fees and thank you gift to Peshastin UCC church.

This year our trip to Peshastin includes a landscaping project at a home for developmentally disabled adults. This project is in addition to the Vacation Bible School that we run at the UCC Church in Peshastin.

Our schedule runs like this:
Breakfast together at the church
Morning mission-VBS or Landscaping
Lunch together at church
Afternoon to the swimming pool in Leavenworth with VBS kids
Late afternoon free time
Dinner at our restaurant of choice
Evening time together at the church
Bed time

Special Events
Saturday afternoon group activity…inner tube float? Water slides?
Saturday evening community celebration…homemade pies, ice cream, fire truck rides.
Sunday morning-worship service and potluck before departing for home

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"You Will Always Have the Poor With You..."

Remember in Mark’s Gospel when Jesus says, “For you always have the poor with you, and you can show kindness to them whenever you wish: but you will not always have me.” 14:7

The context of the story is that Jesus is at the table with a leper. Jesus is making an assumption about his disciples’ continuing proximity to the poor.

“Jesus is making an assumption about his disciples’ continuing proximity to the poor. He is saying, in effect, ‘Look, you will always have the poor with you” because you are my disciples. You know who we spend our time with, who we share meals with, who listens to our message, who we focus our attention on. You’ve been watching me, and you know what my priorities are. You know who comes first in the kingdom of God. So, you will always be near the poor, you’ll always be with them, and you will always have opportunity to share with them.”
-Jim Wallis, God’s Politics

Thursday, June 3, 2010

SE Asia Trip Planned for Fall

MIPC Missions is planning a trip to Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand from October 28-November 7 to visit our scholarship and mission partners in Hue, Vietnam; Phnom Penh, Cambodia; and Chiang Rai, Thailand.

The cost of the two country trip is $2,550 including all flights, hotels, visa fees etc. The three country trip, including the trip to Chiang Rai, will cost about $3,200.

We have designed this trip to meet some of our scholarship children, and to evaluate and be an encouragement to our mission partners.

If you are a scholarship sponsor and would like to meet your child, or if you are thinking of sponsoring a child, or just want to meet our mission partners in SE Asia, please consider coming along on this trip. You will be joined by several of our Missions Committee members and Binh Nguyen and Glo Ceteznik.

Please contact Glo at, 206-232-5596 x. 206 for more information.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Meet the Preschool at the Child Academy

The Child Academy is supported through MIPC's International Student Scholarship Fund (ISSF).
We have about one hundred $350 scholarships there.

Dinner at the Jubilee Women's Center

MIPC Jubilee Team served its first dinner at the Center on April 27.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Keeping Hope Alive

This young girl in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, had to drop out of school after her aunt became ill and could no longer support the family. An MIPC family had been sponsoring her to attend school and when they heard she had to drop out, they asked what the living expenses of the family were each month. After they heard, they agreed to sponsor the family as well...but this time for living expenses. Now this young girl will return to school in the fall, giving her and her family hope for a better life through education.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Fight Trafficking On May 1

World Concern is doing a 5K to fight human trafficking on May 1 in Seattle